Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Digital Code of Ethics

In order to maintain ethical behavior while exploring the digital world, I have created this code of ethics. This code was created in order to protect my property and the property of others, the private affairs of all those who use the internet, and maintain a standard of appropriate use that will keep my digital behavior ethical.

1.  I will respect others property, opinions, and ideas by not taking credit for their thoughts.
2.  I will appropriately share my opinion about others while in a public site.
3.  I will not download illegal or copyrighted materials.
4.  I will not invade other people's private affairs.
5.  I will not use technology to spread rumors or false information.
6.  I will make my internet business private and protected.
7.  I will protect my identity from those who are trying to misuse the internet by creating passwords.
8.  I will not post inappropriate materials on the internet.
9.  I will keep my digital language clean while on public sites.
10.  I will not post others personal life onto a public site for others to see.

1 comment:

  1. B,

    Pretty straightforward, and succinct. Seems to cover most uses of digi tech.

