I am someone who is very competitive, when it comes to athletics. I can make anything into a competition, and I have to win. I am not certain wether it is the drive to impress people or the shame that is associated with letting people down that drives me to work harder than anyone else in the pursuit of victory. I am drawn to the competitive aspect of sports because I believe that it brings out the best in people, and then puts the best to the test.
In preparation for an athletic event, I know that the requirements to win are rigorous and are not for the faint of heart. I am someone who stays late to practice, and will put in the extra hours in order to work on my weaknesses. Practice is the only way to achieve the status of champion, and I am someone who will practice more than anyone just to be called a champion. I am competitive and it is through my natural competitiveness that I have earned the respect and title associated with champions.
Good to know there is a fellow competitive, Type A personality in the class. I'm the same way. Only suggestion is to watch the word "whether" which gets spelling "wether" in your post.